Achieve More Do Better
Go Further Move Faster
The most successful sports teams and individuals typically engage coaches to help them realise more of their potential. Sometimes that involves resolving particular issues that are holding them back, but more often it’s simply about tapping into a positive desire to perform even better than they already do. An athlete already knows what running, stretching and core work are, but with a coach they know they will achieve more, do better, go further and move faster.
A golf coach doesn’t run onto the course and take the shots for the player, they help the player do it better for themselves. The same applies in business. As a business & executive coach, Fergus helps his clients design and then properly implement changes for themselves. This involves showing clients new ways of tackling issues and the transfer into the business of key skills to help them implement the relevant changes. This approach leads to more sustainable change, greater return on investment and no dependency on him.
As he says “I don’t profess to be an expert in my clients’ products or industries, they are. My expertise is in helping them make their business more profitable, more valuable and more enjoyable. Working together provides the opportunity for my clients to achieve more, do better, go further and move faster.”
“If you ever feel business is a game and you want to learn new rules, call Fergus. His input is insightful, targeted, and transformational. I thoroughly recommend him.”
Roger Green - Owner/CEO, Spotless